AROS One 2.7, nuova versione della Distribuzione AROS x86 ABIv0, in questa release ci sono tante novità,
aggiornamenti Core e Software terze parti, in elenco è possibile vedere in dettaglio tutto l'aggiornamento.
AROS One 2.7 è sicuramente la versione più Stabile mai uscita di AROS x86, è consigliata un'installazione pulita
(ex-novo), questo perchè ci sono stati molti cambiamenti.
Chi avesse creato delle personali configurazioni potrà fare un backup, e se compatibili copiarli sul nuovo Aros One.
Chi preferisce aggiornare AROS One 2.6, può farlo tramite l'update "Aros-One-Update-2.6-2.7" disponibile sul mio sito,
ma attenzione sono più di 500MB, quindi a mio avviso è preferibile installare direttamente AROS One 2.7
AROS One v2.7 ISO/IMG/UPDATE: Download
Update AROS One Core
- Camdusbmidi.class
- IconDrawerList.mui
- IconList.mui
- IconVolumeList.mui
- i8042.hidd
- pc105_s
- pcnet32.device
- rtl8139.device
- ahci.device
- ram-handler
- camd.library
- crt.library
- debug.library
- muimaster.library
- stdlib.library
- workbench.library
- Update Catalogs
- Wanderer
- WBRename (Wanderer)
- DiskInfo (Wanderer)
Update AROS One Apps:
- OWB v2.1
- FastTracker2 Clone v1.66
- Protrekkr 2.7.5
- PixieView 1.10
- Acuario Final Version
- AmiTranslate v0.4
- ThemeEdit v0.4
- BeeBase v1.1
- Image2PDF 2.7
- SilkRAW v3.0
- IconSplitter
- Legadon v0.2
- VAMP v3.10
- AGet (Version UHC-Tools)
- Unshield v1.51
- GLFW v3.4
- RayLib 5.0
- Malibu.hwp v1.5
- Rapagui.hwp v2.2
- Sid.hwp v2.0
- Neandertaler (Demo Scene)
- Organica (Demo Scene)
Update AROS One OS System:
- Python v3.3.7
- SMB2 (Update Script)
- Amiga-Games (Emulation Games)
- Amiga-Games (Amibridge)
- New Transparent Versions of Pointers
- CAB-I (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- CAB-M (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- M4A (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- MKV (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- WEBM (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- AmiStart (Update Config)
- Aros One About (Update Theme)
- InstallAROS (Update Theme)
- ArosPDF (New Buttons)
- DOpus4 (Update Config)
- MPlayer (Update Theme)
- ZuneARC (Update Config)
- Set ScreenMode
- Config-Apparence (Update)
- Config-Wanderer (Update)
- Config-Zune (Update)
- Wanderer Themes (Update)
- New Config Folders (Skins-Apps, Patterns-Skin)
- WeatherBar (New Theme Prefs)
- WGetGUI (New Theme)
- DOSBox (Manual Multilanguage PDF version)
- aMP3ToWAV (New Theme Prefs)
- AROSAmp (New Theme Prefs)
- AyPlayer (New Theme Prefs)
- MeteMP3 (New Theme Prefs)
- ModExplorerCE (New Theme Prefs)
- ModExplorerNG (New Theme Prefs)
- RNOTunes (New Theme Prefs)
- ZAMP (New Theme Prefs)
- ZuPaPlayer (New Theme Prefs)(New Theme Prefs)
- VAMP (New Theme Prefs)
- AmiFox (New Theme Prefs)
- New Theme “Crystal”
- New Theme “ArosOne BlueWave”
Update AROS One Games:
- AmiFish
- BlackIvan (Update anf KeyReg)
- Blackjuan Poker (Update)
- Sqrxz 1-2-3-4 (4 Games)
- Soliton v2.2 (HQ PNG Graphics and Theme Prefs)
- LBreakout2 2.6.3 (Work Fine)
Implemented processing ARexx commands in Zune (deadwood)
Updated to new pthread library from BSzili (deadwood)
Simplify adding tethering in Prefs/Network (#115) (deadwood)
Speed up boot using ahci.device (deadwood)
Delete files with DEL key in Wanderer (#116) (deadwood)
Use standard C library function names in SDK (deadwood)
Sweedish keymap (Johan G)
Functional fixes:
Wanderer (bugs: #125, #140, #25, #26) (deadwood)
List.mui (bugs: memory leak) (deadwood)
crt.library (bugs: multithreaded opening fds not safe) (deadwood)
IconList.mui (bugs: #144) (deadwood)
String.mui (bugs: does not support MIUA_Text_Contents) (deadwood)
stdlib.library (bugs: wrong timezone in localtime_r()) (deadwood)
camd.library, camdusbmidi.class (hitchhikr)
ram-handler (bugs: #134) (deadwood)
ahci.device (bugs: #135, unnecessary 60MB memory allocation) (deadwood)
Wanderer (bugs: 105, offline volumes showing with "ghost" icons) (Kalamatee)
rtl8139.device (bugs: no support for wrapped buffer) (stegerg)
Stability fixes:
crt.library (bugs: calling atexit in CTOR set crashes program) (deadwood)
crt.library (bugs: crash in free()) (deadwood)
debug.library (bugs: buffer overrun) (deadwood)
stdlib.library (bugs: some fields left uninitialized in gmtime_r) (deadwood)