Rilasciata la nuova versione del popolare emulatore di Amiga.
- New features/updates:
- MacroSystem DraCo emulation. Full emulation except V-Lab Motion video board which is totally undocumented. Amiga clone without Amiga custom chips.
- Picmatic Marbella Vice light gun laser disc arcade game is now fully working.
- American Laser Games and PicMatic statefile support.
- Genlock emulation display positioning/scaling updates.
- Retina Z2 and Z3/Altais RTG board emulation. (NCR 77C22E+ and 77C32BLT SVGA chips)
- S3 Trio64 PCI RTG board.
- On screen led font is now configurable, settings in GUI Miscellaneous panel.
- A2410 updates (Latest Picasso96 driver with DMA mode enabled graphics corruption)
- All emulated RTG boards now autoswitch (Automatic switch between chipset mode and RTG mode). Previously only RTG boards that have built-in switcher and PCI RTG boards autoswitched.
- Do not emulate special cases in native chipset screen mode last and first line(s) unless Overscan mode is Overscan+ or higher. (For example OCS Denise top and bottom line mismatched blanking start and end)
- NTSC mode screen vertical positioning improved.
- Disk swapper insert/remove cursor position now works as expected. Same image can be inserted in multiple slots.
Sito Ufficiale: https://www.winuae.net/