Autore: Thomas WenzelAmigaAMP: Nuova versione del famoso Player MP3 Multiformato per sistemi AMiGA
sempre più performante e qualitativo, in questa release sono state effettuate ulteriori correzioni a bug, nuove features e notevoli
miglioramenti nella stabilità
AmigaAMP 3.33 OS3/PPC/OS4:
DownloadNovità di questa versione:
There still were issues with MHI in the last release which have hopefully been fixed.
Bug fixes:
Fixed repeat track/all functionality.
Corrected error message for unsupported stream format.
Fixed wrong memory deallocation when closing the about requester.
Revised automatic runtime switching between AHI and MHI output.
New features:
Added pulldown menu items for repeat track/all and shuffle.
Better handling of AHI modes with different limitations.