FLTK su Amiga mai aggiunto al branch ufficiale

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FLTK su Amiga mai aggiunto al branch ufficiale

Messaggioda Raffaele » gio apr 01, 2010 10:35 am

Nel 2005 Massimiliano Tretene di Soft3 annunciò che era disponibile la versione 1.1.6 di FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) per Amiga.

http://amigaworld.net/modules/news/arti ... oryid=2274

FLTK è un toolkit e insieme di librerie assai leggero per costruire interfacce grafiche, utile per il porting di programmi interstandard.


Da questa discussione sul sito di FLTK, quelli del team FLTK erano molto interessati allo sviluppo del Toolkit anche sulla nostra piattaforma, e dicevano, nel lontano 2005, di aver invitato Soft3 ad unirsi al branch ufficiale per mantenere i file di FLTK in versione Amiga, ma non se ne è fatto niente perché a quanto pare non hanno ricevuto risposte.

http://www.fltk.org/newsgroups.php?gflt ... ent+v:2389

Recently developer(s) from Soft3 announced port of FLTK 1.1.6 to AmigaOS
4.0. My suggestion is that we should contact them and ask if they are
willing to put changes/additions to FLTK code into FLTK source tree. That
would be very interesting and would add another platform to list of
platforms supported by FLTK.
I would also like, after we examine changes and see that everything is OK,
to give rw access to their project leader, so (s)he can sync their and
FLTK's source tree.

What You think?

http://www.fltk.org/newsgroups.php?gflt ... ent+v:2902

Natevw wrote:
> Michael Sweet wrote:
>> Dejan Lekic wrote:
>>> Recently developer(s) from Soft3 announced port of FLTK 1.1.6 to AmigaOS
>>> 4.0. My suggestion is that we should contact them and ask if they are
>>> willing to put changes/additions to FLTK code into FLTK source tree.
>>> That
>>> would be very interesting and would add another platform to list of
>>> platforms supported by FLTK.
>> Way ahead of you, invitation already sent to and accepted by
>> Massimiliano, will be setting up a branch of 1.1.x for him to
>> integrate his changes into the current 1.1.x code, and then we can
>> merge that into 1.1.x proper.
>> From the sounds of things, he did his work the Right Way(tm), with
>> separate OS-specific files, etc., so the porting work should be
>> pretty painless.
> Is this going to make it in time for 1.1.7? What is the plan if even
> more ports show up in the future?

I haven't seen anything from him, so at the moment it is unlikely to
be in 1.1.7.

I think we'll be able to get (and support) more ports in 2.0, which is
better setup for that...

E neppure pare che FLTK per Amiga sia stato mai aggiornato alle nuove versioni, e neppure che siano state aggiunte le parti mancanti quali il Drag & Drop, i threads, e i customizabile pointers.

FLTK per Amiga è morto?

Giro la domanda al diretto interessato.
Que viva Amiga! :ammicca:
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