implementazione fuse filesystem

AROS, sistemi compatibili ed emulatori

implementazione fuse filesystem

Messaggioda sabbate » gio lug 16, 2015 6:52 pm

Fredrik Wikstrom has notified Power2People that he considers his work on the "FUSE Filesystems" bounty project to be finished.

You can access a test version via this web address: ... aros-filesysbox-ntfs3g.7z

The installation procedure is as follows:
copy filesysbox/filesysbox.library sys:libs
copy ntfs-3g/ntfs3g-handler sys:l

The archive includes an example mountlist file in ntfs-3g called "NTFS0".

For a list of the requirements that must be met by software, please visit:

Power2People relies on the AROS community to test if a bounty project has been successfully completed. So, please post a comment if you have encountered any problems or know other reasons why the bounty project cannot be considered to be completed just yet.

Thank you.
Amithlon OS3.9 Dell Latitude C610
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