WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 9

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WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 9

Messaggioda AMIGASYSTEM » gio nov 08, 2018 7:51 pm

WinUAE: Nuova beta che corregge ed aggiunge nuove funzioni al miglior emulatore Amiga.

Novità Beta 9

- UNPK and PACK instructions (very rarely used) had code like "v = read_from_address(x) + read_from_address(y)" which has undefined function call execution order in C.
- 68030 MMU MOVEM to memory access fault retry special case fixed (b8). Amix boots normally again.
- 68030 MMU unaligned data access retries always used aligned access. (b8)
- AGA 32/64-pixel FMODE BPLxDAT writes are also now emulated accurately. Behavior is same as sprites, FMODE=3: first 16 pixels are last bus data, remaining 48 pixels are duplicate of written data. FMODE=2: first 16 pixels bus data, last 16 pixels written data. FMODE=1: written data duplicated. (Last bus data is first word of copper MOVE to BPLxDAT if copper was used to write to BPLxDAT). Writing to BPLxDAT when FMODE=3 and then lowering FMODE disables last 32 pixels (like sprites do) but this is not yet emulated.
- Yet another undocumented AGA bitplane special case. When FMODE=1/2 and modulo is added, bit 1 carry is ignored, for example 0x102 + 0x12 = 0x110. FMODE=3: same except bit 2 carry is ignored. This can only happen if bitplane pointer and/or modulo is "unaligned", not integer divisible by fetch size. Quite useless feature because unaligned bitplane pointers will always result in corrupted display. But at least (corrupted) display is now 100% accurate.
- Debugger memwatch points detected also debugger read or write accesses.
- Multi Evolution v2.2 ROM added. Does not seem to be RDB compatible, probably only v3.0+ are RDB compatible.

68030 MMU is still reported as having problems in some Next OS versions (Previous emulator) but I can't duplicate any problems with my usual test images (not even Amix). Please test any existing Linux/NetBSD etc.. in 68030 mode and report any differences between this beta and last official version.

Test Video: WinUAE A500: x86 Bridgeboard Windows 95C OSR 2 5

WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta9 : Download

WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 9 (64Bit): Download
Immagine - AROS One Home Site - AfA One - AROS One x86 - AROS One 68K - WinUAE OS 4.1 -

Amiga 4000/Cyberstorm MK II/060/Picasso RAM 6MB Kick 3.1
Amiga 1200/030 Ram 16 Mega HD 500 MB
Amiga 1200/040 Ram 32 Mega HD 500 MB
Amiga 600 HD 20 MB
Amiga 600 Doppio Kickstart 2.05-1.3
Amiga 500 Plus Doppio Kickstart 204-1.3
Amiga 500
CD32/SX-32 MK1 RAM 8 MB HD 4G
CD32 Standard
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