NetSurf v3.7 OS3 (Aggiornamento)

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NetSurf v3.7 OS3 (Aggiornamento)

Messaggioda AMIGASYSTEM » mar mar 27, 2018 12:33 am

Nuova versione di NetSurf OS3 by Artur Jarosik, in questa nuova release ritroviamo maggiore velocità grazie anche all'ottimizzazione della libjpeg by Henryk Richter's, disponibili per il download due versioni, una per OS3 Standard ed una Ammx per la Vampire.

NetSurf v3.7 OS3: Download

NetSurf v3.7 AMMX: Download

Core / All platforms

* CSS computed styles shared globaly between elements.
* Fixed OpenSSL 1.1.0 X509 certificate handling.
* Updated for compatibility with upstream libutf8proc.
* Updated JS engine to Duktape 2.1.0.
* Improved treeview robustness.
* Local history uses system colours.
* Made local history use corewindow interface.
* Simplified local history code.
* Added EventListener support to Duktape binding.
* Added EventTarget JavaScript binding.
* Improved plotter API.
* Simplified HTML border plotting.
* Make disabled form elements read-only.
* Improved URLdb.
* Improved tests.
* Fixed bug in content state machine for HTML contents.
* Fixed issue in parsing of file urls.
* Split out ASCII locale-safe handling used in parsers.
* Made libcurl build-time optional.
* Hotlist saved on change, rather than at exit.
* Improved handling of display:table applied to :after.
* Added support for CSS3 box-sizing to HTML layout.
* Improved handling of margins where constrined by {min|max}-width.
* Cleaned up content message broadcasts.
* Logging now run-time filterable using LibNSLog.
* Added search feature to treeviews.
* Browser history now remembers page scroll offsets.

* Hubbub library 0.3.4 (HTML parser):
+ Support falling back to space-separated charset.

* LibCSS library 0.7.0 (CSS parser and selection engine):
+ Computed styles can now be shared between elements.
- Computed styles interned, so only unique computed styles
reside in memory. This means multiple pages/tabs/windows
can share computed style data.
- Where possible, we now bypass CSS selection, and simply
take a reference to another element in the DOM's style,
if we're sure it will be the same.
+ Added support for the CSS3 box-sizing property.
+ Fixed invalid read when removing sheet from selection context.
+ Fixed example / demo app build.

* LibDOM library 0.3.2 (Document Object Model):
+ Add support for checking if an event is in dispatch.
+ Add is_initialised flag to events.
+ Add getter/setter for event_target is_trusted.
+ Simplified API for removing all instances of a listener.

* LibNSGIF library 0.2.0 (GIF support):
+ Complete rewrite of LZW decompression is more optimal and robust.
+ Stability fixes.

* LibSVGTiny library 0.1.6 (SVG support):
+ Buildsystem improvements.
+ Fixed bug in parsing of multiple lineto commands.

* LibNSPSL library 0.1.2 (Public suffix list):
+ Updated public suffix list.

* LibNSLog library 0.1.0 (Filterable logging):
+ First release.
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Iscritto il: ven lug 25, 2008 8:39 pm
Località: Brindisi

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